I was adopted into the United States and both my birth family and adoptive family have contributed to my identity. I am not just one or the other, I am both. I am a fusion of indgienous, native, hispanic, Latin and European culture. I created a multimedia family tree that honors all of the cultures that have contributed to my identity. For each last name I decorated the root with flowers native to the country where the name comes from. Included my birth mother's last name (Ramirez) and all the last names of my adoptive family (Burke, Schmidt, Graziano). On one side I painted roots with vibrant colors similar to the ones we see in flowers, art and cities of Latin America. On the other side I used highly saturated red and blue to mimic blood vessels. I connected the front and back of the piece by weaving the braided fabric together. This work is yet again another weaving in my eyes. Another work of exploration of my identity. This new work is my Roots of Identity.
Relics & Reflections is an autobiographical body of work with a direct relationship to how I was raised and where I come from. The reason I want to explore religion is because that is where two parts of my identity come together. I am of Mexican descent and was adopted and raised in a Catholoic Italian and Irish home. My birth mother is a indegenous woman native to Mexico. Although my birth mother and many other occupants of Mexico have native blood many do not identify with any of the religions from the original empires and tribes. (Olmec, Toltec, Mayan and Aztec). Historically speaking after conquistadors from Spain entered Mexico many native religions died while Catholicism rapidly spread. Although Catholicism spread and a majority of Mexico identifies with the Catholic faith many local areas have combined pre-christian cultural traditions with Catholicism. One Primary example would be a Day of the Dead which combines the european holiday of All Souls Day with rituals and from ancient Aztec and MesoAmerican tribal customs. Although I personally don’t agree with all aspects of the Catholic faith. I find it extremely beautiful how the country I come from has managed to incorporate many ancient traditions into the religion itself. Relics & Reflections is a body of work that has allowed me to further analyze myself, my heritage, and the fusion of cultures that exist within my identity. Relics & Reflection currently stands at 21 pieces. This includes two hands of two different colors to represent the two cultures of my identity. These hands take on the form of giving peace when in church. When placed horizontally they become that peace and togetherness. The 16 tiles range in color and resemble a stained glass window. Stained glass windows are one of the most comforting things for me and remind me of my childhood in a positive way. There is also one hydrocal hand showing the “peace be with you sign” and two pairs of prayer hands one made of regular plaster and one of hydrocal.
Medium: wood, carved wood, acrylic paint, stain and clay.
The Yucca is a symbol of new opportunity because of their resilience and determination. It is also seen as a symbol of loyalty ( for their long lifetime), protection (for their natural spikes) and purity (for their ability to recycle the air around themselves). It is the New Mexico State flower and stands at 4ft high 6ft wide. My soft sculpture representation is similar in size of the actual Yucca